More threads by sarmcl


Jul 7, 2017
Reaction score
So here is the dilemma:

  • Client has purchased locations from a company and the old company had TERRIBLE Google Reviews
  • Client DOES have the credentials to the GMB account
  • They want to go through some rebranding but do not want the bad reviews to be tied to them. New management, new employees, etc.

Trying to think some work arounds for the client. Any suggestions or advice is greatly appreciate. One of the ideas we had was:

1) Create new GMB listing with new rebranded name and use a tracking number for phone. Would this work? Or would this be considered a dupe because the address remained same? Reason we thought to use a tracking number was so there was a differential from the old listing.

Thank you in advance!
You should be able to get the old reviews removed. In this case, I believe they will remove ALL reviews up to a certain point. Your best bet is to reach out to GMB and explain the situation.

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