More threads by ashley.smith


Dec 4, 2018
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I manage listings for some pest control companies and am unsure about how to represent the business hours. We only do service for a set number of hours per day, but we take calls 24/7. After hours, the calls go to a call center.

Managers of the businesses think we should be able to list our hours as 24/7, but is this misrepresenting fact?
Hi @ashley.smith Do they have a brick and mortar location that clients go to? If not, you can set hours to 24 hours if they answer the phone. If they do have a physical location, you need to use the hours that customers can show up and speak with someone from the business.
The brick and mortars have to use the gurus that the staff is there. The SAB’s can be 24/7.
Honestly, I'd just put 24/7 for all. The customer can still get help (scheduling at the least) correct? If so, while it's not in line with GMB guidelines, I would put 24/7 if it helps the customers.

GMB guidelines are great but common sense is best. If it helps the consumer and doesn't put your listing in jeopardy (hours won't get you in trouble), do what makes sense. No one is showing up to a pest control company period, much less at night. The consumer is looking at your hours to call, maybe even to schedule. Repeat customers will do that as well as new customers potentially. If someone answers 24/7, then put that.
Our business provides 24/7 telephone answering service and many of our customers put 24-hours for office hours. Particularly if they are a service based company as the end customer does end up receiving support/service whenever they need it. You may want to note 24/7 hours, but if you have a showroom/storefront, simply note those on your website
I would advise against a brick and mortar location, even if it's a hybrid SAB, to list 24 hours unless the office is staffed 24 hours/day.

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