More threads by Kristen

Oct 14, 2012
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I came across something interesting and wanted to see if anyone had some insight on whether schema markup or Open Graph protocol on a page would pull in an image next to a blog post in organic search. I'm not talking authorship here, this is the image that is embedded in the post itself.

On the following search, best sites to get reviews you'll see at first what might look like a video ranking #1, when it is in fact an image screenshot of the video on this blog post.

I see in the meta tags (below), they are using Open Graph to identify the image, but other than that, I'm not sure how this is being done.

<meta property="og:image" content="" />


Anyone have experience in successfully implementing this? It would be great to know how to successfully mark up blog posts and pull images into the SERPS.


They are using video schema. The image you're seeing is a thumbnail image to the video posted on their page. You can find the code for entering schema at
Hi Ross,

Thanks for that! I wasn't aware there was schema available for video. Good to know.

Hi Ross,

Thanks for that! I wasn't aware there was schema available for video. Good to know.


No problem anytime!

I use a wordpress plugin for my video schema. I believe it's called "Video SEO by Yoast". It's meant specifically for video and will add schema to all your existing videos if you already have a bunch posted.
Great tip! Thanks again! I wasn't aware of that plugin but I'm going to test it out today.


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