More threads by ClaireBender


Feb 8, 2021
Reaction score
Hi guys,

Wonder if anyone can please help?

I have a small biz (drama school and kids parties) and was using GMB to get help get leads for the parties.
Alongside my GMB listing (which has reviews, pics and posts) I have blogs with keywords and pages optimised for keywords.
I was collecting enquiries via Mailchimp (API) and have been getting around 10 enquiries a week. On average between 1-3 a day.

I have just developed a new website for just the parties and have now changed my web address on GMB but kept everything else the same.
Since this change I have had 0 leads in 3 days on my old website!! Is it linked to removing that web address from GMB?

So what I wonder is:
1) Do I just change the old website back?
2) Can I have two websites associated with my GMB account?

I think I may have just camabalised my own business!!
But the new one isn't getting any enquiries yet as it's too new and doesn't have as many blog posts and stuff yet :(

What do you think?
Is this something anyone can help me with please!!?
(Sorry if it's really obvious, I am NO web developer, but am just feeling my way through this as best I can!!)

Hey Claire,

The site you link to definitely impacts ranking. I would suggest switching it back to the older site that you originally had if you have seen a huge decline since switching it.

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