More threads by nicoco


Jun 7, 2020
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Hi There

Can anyone recommend an article/video or resources that explains in details how to best track conversions for a local businesses via a website or a GMB profile combined.

I know GMB already provides insights which will only give half the picture but what about phone calls from websites? Is it just as simple as setting call tracking in GA?

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Are you referring to the article
Yes. Sorry, should have been more clear.

In answer to your original question, I would definitely set up call tracking, so you know whether calls are coming from GMB, organic, paid ads, etc.
Yes. Sorry, should have been more clear.

In answer to your original question, I would definitely set up call tracking, so you know whether calls are coming from GMB, organic, paid ads, etc.
And that's the purpose of my initial question, do you know any article that covers this topic in depth?
Oh sorry I missed the part about calls, yes call tracking as your primary should do it. I believe you can do dynamic call tracking as well to dial it in further.

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