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Sep 22, 2015
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Greetings all, and thank you for accepting me here.

I've only recently gotten involved in local seo as I've been focused more on online marketing and more nationally focused seo projects.

I'd like to know of some of the best places with information that would really enable me to dive in deep into learning the processes, metrics and tools to help increase a businesses local search ranking.

I know citations are a big deal. What else helps? I see if I punch in my business into Google, a map pops up listing a bunch of companies under it. How best would I increase my ranking in that list so that my company is the first instead of the 8th?

Things like that.

Thank you.
Re: Couple Questions if I may.

Hi Upstager and welcome!

That's such a big question. There are over 200 local ranking factors and it's like a giant puzzle. He who has the most puzzle pieces right, in that market, gets to be on top.

This explains in a very over-simplified manner: <a href="">The Local Search Puzzle - Illustrated</a>
But there is a myriad of issues within each part of that puzzle.

I see you've already been reading our G Local 101 forum and that's a good place to start.

I just contributed to the MOZ Local Search Ranking Factors which comes out yearly and is considered the bible for local search rankings. The top minds in the industry all contribute and then all the data is quantified.

2015 ranking factors have not come out yet, but I think should be published in the next couple of weeks. You can look at the 2014 study to get a feel for what it takes to rank in local. The algo has changed a little but it's still fairly accurate.

Hope this helps and best of luck.

(Moving to 101 so these suggestions can be found by others that are new to the biz.)
Re: Couple Questions if I may.

Check out Udemy. I have a very small, quick course on there for beginners which will teach you the basics.
Re: Couple Questions if I may. is also another resource that gives you an in-depth explanation for most of the more important elements. I think they give you a trial but you can find a few of the introductory video (the most useful, in my opinion) on Youtube. I recommend getting the yearly subscription because they have a ton of tools that any internet marketer can find useful.

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