Does a local number help you rank locally - if so how local does it have to be ?
In London, UK we have a 2 main area telephone number system having a 0207 at the beginning of your phone number means that its inner London and having an 0208 means that its more on the outskirts of London.
But in addition to that the next 3 numbers also relate to the area so 0208 731 relates to a particular area of North London.
Does google take this into account when ranking your site locally ? Do you even require a geographic telephone number or can you rank just as well using a generic national number as long as you verify your business using the verification card they send in the post ?
In London, UK we have a 2 main area telephone number system having a 0207 at the beginning of your phone number means that its inner London and having an 0208 means that its more on the outskirts of London.
But in addition to that the next 3 numbers also relate to the area so 0208 731 relates to a particular area of North London.
Does google take this into account when ranking your site locally ? Do you even require a geographic telephone number or can you rank just as well using a generic national number as long as you verify your business using the verification card they send in the post ?