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Aug 18, 2024
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Hello. I am a Japanese product expert. I often visit this forum and refer to useful ideas.

Last week, a local SEO agency in Japan introduced an opinion on a TV news program that “stores that reply to reviews on Google Maps are more likely to appear higher in local search rankings,” and it became a hot topic.

However, in my opinion, “having or not having a review reply does not affect local search ranking.” What do you think?
What's the benefit to not responding? If you respond to reviews, you make somebody happy, they might tell somebody else, which may get you a brand search and likely user engagement. It's a no-brainer, just do it. Whether it impacts ranking is asking the wrong question, if we know doing it his helpful in general.
User engagement is definitely a factor.
Review replies are a potential closer argument. It's a good look on a profile in general. It does not directly appear to affect rankings.

However, I've recently seen some conflicting opinions as to whether profile owner activity in general is a factor. That may have been what that agency was actually motioning at/seeing effects from. Personally, I have not yet seen anyone actually share evidence of this so I'm still treating it as as "possible, but going to assume not a factor".
I agree that you should reply to all reviews, but I haven't seen anyone run a test specifically to determine how it affects rankings. Google support constantly pushes replying as part of their best practice guide, which I wouldn't read too much into.

There could be an indirect uplift in that responding to reviews gives the reviewer a sense of affiliation and is more likely to recommend the company. If someone has taken the time to leave a review, the least you can do is respond and say thank you.
User engagement is definitely a factor.
Review replies are a potential closer argument. It's a good look on a profile in general. It does not directly appear to affect rankings.

However, I've recently seen some conflicting opinions as to whether profile owner activity in general is a factor. That may have been what that agency was actually motioning at/seeing effects from. Personally, I have not yet seen anyone actually share evidence of this so I'm still treating it as as "possible, but going to assume not a factor".
Yes, I agree with you.” User engagement is definitely a factor.”

And thanks for the valuable advice. "possible, but going to assume not a factor”

I agree that you should reply to all reviews, but I haven't seen anyone run a test specifically to determine how it affects rankings. Google support constantly pushes replying as part of their best practice guide, which I wouldn't read too much into.

There could be an indirect uplift in that responding to reviews gives the reviewer a sense of affiliation and is more likely to recommend the company. If someone has taken the time to leave a review, the least you can do is respond and say thank you.

Yes, I agree.

“There could be an indirect uplift in that responding to reviews gives the reviewer a sense of affiliation and is more likely to recommend the company.”

I guess it's in the help section because review replies can consequently improve rankings.
What's the benefit to not responding? If you respond to reviews, you make somebody happy, they might tell somebody else, which may get you a brand search and likely user engagement. It's a no-brainer, just do it. Whether it impacts ranking is asking the wrong question, if we know doing it his helpful in general.
I haven't seen any direct evidence it's a factor, but I agree with klharris08. It's good to do regardless of whether it helps with rankings. I do believe it helps with conversions when you show that you are engaged with your customers, both the 5-star and 1-star customer reviewers (maybe even more so the 1-star).
It's known that the use of relevant keywords - and images - in a Google Review can increase the overall relevance of a GBP to said keywords via a Google Maps search; however, it would be interesting to know when a business owner replied using relevant/topical terms if that has any bearing from an SEO POV 🤔
It's known that the use of relevant keywords - and images - in a Google Review can increase the overall relevance of a GBP to said keywords via a Google Maps search; however, it would be interesting to know when a business owner replied using relevant/topical terms if that has any bearing from an SEO POV 🤔

Is it the same for responses? I haven't seen a study that this is the case.
I'm about 90% sure Sterlingsky (@JoyHawkins ) did a study on that. Either them or @whitespark. I may be wrong though, 'cause I can't find a specific post.

Does the Text in a Google Review Affect Map Pack Rankings for Local Businesses? there's this one about how specific keywords in reviews don't seem to affect the ranking.

10 Common Local SEO Myths Debunked | Whitespark This one mentions keyword in review responses too, but without extra evidence, plus the tweet mention in the text didn't survive the swap to the new layout/CMS. (You might wanna fix that, Darren 😅)
I haven't actually done one about responses, but I've never seen evidence that they impact ranking. I would love to see the case studies that agency has :)

Totally agree with others on this thread that it's worth doing. The customer gets an email alert when you reply so it's good customer service.
Apart from any ranking benefit, I'd speculate that there is also a psychological benefit when prospective new customers seeing your courteous replies to reviews.
Yes, engaging with customers (reviews) and actively collecting reviews is a factor in improving your local rankings.

Moreover, it enhances your customer service (as what Tim told above). In some cases, people also expect a response. Just make sure not to let too much time pass. Ideally, respond within a week.
Same with Joy - I would love to see a study where engaging or responding to reviews affect either local pack or organic factor. I haven't seen a study.

Regardless of ranking factors - responding to reviews are great way to engage with those who appreciated your products or service. Imagine you leaving a review and the company sends you a genuine response - that company sticks with you. Branding tactic baby!
Replying to reviews manually without AI do affect local search and some of the reviewers change the rating when they see a genuine reply - not copy and paste one sentence for all the reviews.
Replying to reviews manually without AI do affect local search and some of the reviewers change the rating when they see a genuine reply - not copy and paste one sentence for all the reviews.

Reply to reviews is not a ranking factor. It's a trust factor for potential customers.
Hello. I am a Japanese product expert. I often visit this forum and refer to useful ideas.

Last week, a local SEO agency in Japan introduced an opinion on a TV news program that “stores that reply to reviews on Google Maps are more likely to appear higher in local search rankings,” and it became a hot topic.

However, in my opinion, “having or not having a review reply does not affect local search ranking.” What do you think?

Responding to reviews on Google Maps does not directly affect local search rankings. However, it can indirectly boost rankings by improving user engagement, trust, and activity on the business profile—all of which Google considers.
Pitching in to share the similar insights. We've seen brands who had previously ignored their reviews initiate a comprehensive review response campaign, resulting in generally positive trends in phone calls. clicks, and driving directions.

Since the work is across hundreds of locations , we don't know if the responses were the initial trigger to improve rankings (which then improved engagement), or if the responses improved engagement directly. We do know that engaging with customers via review responses, especially compared to a base state of ignoring customer reviews, leads to positive changes.
Pitching in to share the similar insights. We've seen brands who had previously ignored their reviews initiate a comprehensive review response campaign, resulting in generally positive trends in phone calls. clicks, and driving directions.

Since the work is across hundreds of locations , we don't know if the responses were the initial trigger to improve rankings (which then improved engagement), or if the responses improved engagement directly. We do know that engaging with customers via review responses, especially compared to a base state of ignoring customer reviews, leads to positive changes.

This was covered in BrightLocal's Review Study.
  • Business review responses are crucial: 88% of consumers would use a business that replies to all of its reviews, compared to just 47% who would use a business that doesn’t respond to reviews at all.
Ensure the replies don't appear to be a copy-and-paste job. Here is an example of what not do.

copy and pasted review reply.jpg

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