More threads by kennyj22


LocalU Member
Dec 1, 2019
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We've been reporting legitimate spam for one of our customers, a plumber for several months, with absolutely no luck from the SPAM team at Google. Yes, we've used the Redressal form. Is that team still there?
I'm curious, what does "escalate" really mean in practice? Do you (and some folk on the GBP forum) have personal contacts at Google, or is there a special "escalation team" mailbox that has to pickup all the slack of the redressal team?!
We've been reporting legitimate spam for one of our customers, a plumber for several months, with absolutely no luck from the SPAM team at Google. Yes, we've used the Redressal form. Is that team still there?
The redressal teams sucks. I have been reporting large spam networks and they don’t take any action. I have to escalate the issue to get the spam profiles removed.
I'm curious, what does "escalate" really mean in practice? Do you (and some folk on the GBP forum) have personal contacts at Google, or is there a special "escalation team" mailbox that has to pickup all the slack of the redressal team?!
I'm curious, what does "escalate" really mean in practice? Do you (and some folk on the GBP forum) have personal contacts at Google, or is there a special "escalation team" mailbox that has to pickup all the slack of the redressal team?!

That means you post a thread on the GBP community forum and a PE, like me, can escalate it for the team to review thoroughly. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.
Sometimes it does, but not always. I've had some success with a swarm of gutter cleaning GBPs (and they were not even using the same website/phone number!), but that was with regular user edits. The redressal form has been essentially useless for well over a year now.

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