More threads by krempajl1


Oct 25, 2021
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My company has a partner company that has service location in our stores for their service. They are asking if they would be able to create GMB locations for their service locations and utilize the "Located In" feature. This means that they would have the same address as our stores listed but with the "located in" feature enabled.

My question/concern is that they would have duplicate addresses and could possibly hurt the local seo for our store locations as there would be multiple GMB pages with the same address. Would including the "located in" feature stop any negative signals to our store pages?
We've never tested to see if the located in feature could lessen the chances of a duplicate flag, but I doubt it. The main way to prevent a duplicate flag is to make sure the name, website, phone number and category are different. If you can cover those you should be ok.

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