More threads by Margaret Ornsby

Jul 22, 2013
Reaction score
From Gyi Tsakalakis
These are taken at the State of Search conference, and are of Maile Ohye's presentation.
Certainly food for thought:

<a href=""><img class="embeddedObject" src="" width="600" height="900" border="0" /></a>

<a href=""><img class="embeddedObject" src="" width="600" height="900" border="0" /></a>

Other tweets on site speed
  • Greg Gifford - 53% of visits are abandoned if a mobile site takes more than 3 seconds to load
  • Damon Gochneaur - Avg site loads in 22 seconds on mobile. AMP sites load <1second on average.
  • Jennifer Slegg - So @maileohye confirmed that in a situation where there is desktop and AMP, Google will index desktop for mobile first.

Gyi Tsakalakis -
20% of queries are by voice.
76% look it up, walk there, buy.
Structured data rocks (paraphrased - it really, really matters)

Heads up from Greg Gifford - IT'S COMING!!! January 10, 2017 - the intrusive mobile interstitials update

No surprise but good to have confirmed: Casey Markee - Local business much more success on Facebook and Instagram than Twitter. (Anyone know the source for that?)

Andrew Shotland - To rank for "near me" queries, try getting your target city in anchor text

Presentation Decks:

a lot of them:

Danny Sullivan - the state of search
Dan Leibson - reverse engineering G's algo
Garrett Mehrguth - mixing paid, local, organic
Ryan McLaughlin - winning with old school SEO
Gyi Tsakalakis - links, links, links

John Henshaw (Raventools) on Optimising your site:

And another informative slide deck from Ashley Berman Hale on SEO issues that "kill" sites (complete with notes - I like here decks because usually you don't have to have "been there" to understand what she's presented)

Greg Gifford - Not a deck per se, but apparently the foundation for the presentation:

Which presentation was the most helpful
Which of the one-liners made you go :eek:?
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Awesome Margaret! Thanks so much for putting all that together to share!
I wasn't able to cover this one, so I really appreciate you doing it.
Thanks for sharing Margaret! Am I little behind the loop these days, this is the first time I've heard about that intrusive interstitials update. That's awesome, I'm excited even just for how that'll affect my own browsing, I hate mobile popups. Nice that the slideshows were available for some of the talks too, the 'issues that kill sites' especially has some good stuff on technical SEO, they're all worth taking the time to read through if anyone else is skimming this thread.

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