More threads by luischavez0104

Aug 16, 2021
Reaction score
I was wondering if a customer leaves a review and it is filtered by the GBP and does not end up showing on the listing does the owner of the GBP listing still receive an email that a review was left? Also, if a review is being removed by Google do they send an email?
Google emails when a review was removed for violating the TOS. The review has to have been live on the profile. This does not apply to the filtered reviews that never were posted. Google does email you when your review is posted, even if it gets filtered out.
Google emails when a review was removed for violating the TOS. The review has to have been live on the profile. This does not apply to the filtered reviews that never were posted. Google does email you when your review is posted, even if it gets filtered out.

This makes sense, thank you!

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