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Jun 28, 2012
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Fast mobile sites get more customers. Let's help get yours up to speed.
Google Small Business
Wednesday, June 28, 2017

How long does it take for your mobile site to load? Five seconds? Ten seconds? These few seconds could be the difference between keeping visitors on your site or losing them ? because people aren?t willing to wait. In fact, most sites lose half their visitors while loading.1 And 46% of people say that the most frustrating thing about browsing on their phone is waiting for slow pages to load.2

With a little help, we believe every business can have a fast mobile site. That?s why we?re launching a new set of features to test your site?s speed on Test My Site, which will show you:

  • Your site?s mobile speed: 50% of people expect a site to load in less than two seconds.3 Find out how fast your site loads.

  • The number of visitors you may be losing: When it comes to mobile speed, every second matters ? for each additional second it takes a mobile page to load, conversions can drop by up to 20%.4 Learn how many people may be leaving your site during the time it takes to load.

  • How you compare to the competition: See how your business stacks up against others in your industry.

  • How to make your site faster: We?ll email you a personalized assessment with specific recommendations on how to speed up your site.

  1. Think with Google, Find Out How You Stack Up to New Industry Benchmarks for Mobile Page Speed, 2017.
  2. Google Webmaster Central Blog, #MobileMadness: a campaign to help you go mobile-friendly, 2015.
  3. DoubleClick by Google, The need for mobile speed, 2016.
  4. Think with Google, 4 Things You Need to Know About the Future of Marketing, 2017.


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