More threads by MarianoF


Jan 30, 2019
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Hi all,
I am experiencing a big problem. My GMB Listing was suspended 2 weeks ago, reinstated after 6 days, Suspended again last Friday and reinstated yesterday. Meanwhile, I am losing lots of business. Google claimed (technical issues). I did not have to prove anything at all, they just reinstated.
The main issues is that I have lost all my rankings and I used to rank well for so many keywords. It is affecting my business dramatically.

Have you seen anything like that?
Hi @MarianoF Do you happen to have the maps URL with CID saved from before the listing was suspended? I would check to see if the reinstated listing has the same cid or if GMB created a new one.
Hi Colan, unfortunately, I don't have it. I did not know the existence and importance of. I will keep it from now on.
I'm wondering if the manager email tied to your account is causing the problem. If I were you, once the listing is reinstated I'd pick a new email to manage it.
Thanks, Craig, the listing was reinstated four days ago, and I am with you. I have a Local SEO agency working on my SEO, and probably that was the cause of the suspension as they manage my account together with many others using the same email. Now they have a dedicated email for each listing to avoid suspensions.
Now trying to recover my rankings...

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