More threads by Gimbo


May 16, 2017
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Hi pros,

have you experienced that your GMB page have changed it's name? The name of my GMB page just changed name to say my keyword and ranked higher, don't know how this happend? when i log in to the dashboard it still says my business name don't know how it come that in the map search it says my keyword, anyone else experienced this?
If what you're seeing in Google My Business isn't matching what you see on search, it's possible you have 2 listings. Are you able to provide your business website & phone number and what keyword you searched on Google that you saw a ranking increase for?
Hi Joy,
I sent you the NAP as a private message. I don't believe i have 2 listings as it was the exact same pictures and onctent in the GMB listing that had the keyword as business name, now that i make the search it says my original business name, It's really weird...
Very strange. So you didn't add that keyword to your name and it doesn't reflect that way in the dashboard?

Send me the screenshot I requested (via PM) and I'll ask Google. Sounds like a bug.
No i didn't add the keyword to the name, it's really weird, do you see the keyword in the name right now? as I don't see it right now... I sent you a PM with a screenshot of the dashboard, let me know if you need anything else. I really appreciate your help
Google replied to me and said they fixed it. Let me know if you see it come back at all.
Thanks Joy!
So it was a bug with google not that my citations were bad?
They didn't elaborate on what caused it but it sounds like a bug.

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