More threads by billbean

Jul 31, 2012
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A client with multiple locations, all previously verified, was just upgraded to the new dashboard. Unfortunately, their primary location was "unverified" as a result. It seems there's a conflict over dual ownership claims.

We inherited a local mess from a previous vendor (maybe even multiple vendors). Until now there was no obvious problem with this listing, though it was claimed with an email address from a now defunct domain. However, this new issue leads me to believe that the listing had also been claimed with another email address from the same defunct domain -- same listing claimed twice. I'm not even sure how that happened, but I think it was a glitch that happened from time to time in the old Places system.

We're going to attempt to resolve via a phone call to support. Anyone have any thoughts or insight on the matter?
Is it possible for you provide a screen shot of the dashboard? It's difficult to give any insight without a complete understanding of the situation.

However, phone support has been pretty good with helping other people solve issues they were having.
Hey Bill on any of these listings did you or anyone else create a G+ business page and manually merge it by verifying the G+ page?

If so that creates a duplicate and is causing lots of issues.

Please read post #2 here and let me know if that could be the issue.

Anyone still stuck in the old Google Places dashboard?

If it is, then 2 things.

1) This is why Google said wait and don't manually merge.

2) Google also said don't merge multi-location businesses. But of course they didn't tell anyone this directly and no messaging in dash. Only a couple obscure posts at the Google forum and all the posts Mike and I have done on these issues.

But if you think this is the issue please post in that thread because Google is watching it, so they are aware this is causing more problems.

Screen shot won't be of any help. Only interesting thing is that this previously verified listing is now unverified, and there was a "Learn More" link. That link explained what I said in my original post (re: two owners).


We had not attempted to merge or manually upgrade. This was a very deliberate decision based on the things you mention. There have been no visibility issues. The client's listing has been highly visible (aka ranking well) for a long time. After we talk to support about this main listing we'll plan a course of action for upgrading to G+ pages.
Had a client with the same issue. Support told us that they're in the middle to "upgrading" their system and it should show as reverified in a few days.

Also had another client that needed to be reverified and support was able verify for them by simply sending an email to his domain branded email and he just needed to respond and then he was all set.


Chris McCreery

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