More threads by Jeffrey


Dec 18, 2018
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Hi all I am looking for some help on understanding how this works. Sometimes when I search for keywords in google maps, a review shows up in the listing itself. Making the listing larger in size and making it more prominent to searchers. This ideally would increase CTR. Does anyone know how google selects what businesses a review shows up on? See attached picture for a better explanation.
Thanks (2).png
That sometimes triggers when the keyword used in the search is also found in a review. Aside from getting more reviews (more potential keywords), the algo decides when to show that. There might be more nuances that I am not aware of however.
That sometimes triggers when the keyword used in the search is also found in a review. Aside from getting more reviews (more potential keywords), the algo decides when to show that. There might be more nuances that I am not aware of however.


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