More threads by Patrick Garde

Aug 3, 2018
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"Google My Business has just added a new attribute that Google My Businesses can add to the list of attributes. The new attribute is for "family led" businesses, and this adds on to the women led and veteran led attributes that are already available.

To active the icon, login to your Google My Business, click on your listing and then click on the "info" tab on the left-hand side. You can then scroll down to the "Add Attributes" section, click on the pencil icon and a new dialog box will pop up letting you click on the "+ Family-led" button to apply it to your business listing."

Source: Google My Business Adds Family Led Attribute Icon

Saw it yesterday while editing a client's info section on Google My Business.
Good find, Patrick. I'm seeing "Family-Led" for some GMB listings, but not for others. I wish Google would add attributes more quickly. It's been a dribble.
Great find! I work with many clients that are a husband and wife team. Going to go in and update with that icon
I added it yesterday but haven't seen it live yet. Has anyone seen it on a live listing?
I just added it to a few clients' sites. We'll see how long it takes to become visible.
Has anyone actually been able to see this attribute live on any listings they added it to? I have not.
I have not either. Nor have I seen the women-led or veteran-led ones.
Hey Guys,

Just wanted to update you that I got confirmation from Google that this was a temporary glitch that should be corrected now because this attribute is not currently available.
Seriously. That's a shame. I have a lot of clients that are led by couples or siblings. It's too bad that there's a "woman-led", a "veteran-led", but not a "man-led' or "family-led".

I suppose Google believes in equality, but as the author of "Animal Farm" wrote, some pigs are more equal than others". <sigh>
The fact that it was there tells me it's something Google is likely working on but accidentally launched too early since it didn't work. I'm sure it will be back soon.
Thanks for the update, Joy.

Will also update my blog post regarding this.

Hopefully, they'll launch it soon. Also have clients who are a husband and wife team. :)

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