More threads by Mopo100

If I have been penalised for the category violations, is there a wait period before being re-ranked, or is it permanent?

I'm still showing in the seven box for a key phrase, so guessing I haven't been totally dropped from the Local/Places results.

And still not sure if any of the above had any bearing on my original issue of no activity being recorded. (I used to like the way Google kept things simple!)
Ok, I've just deleted all of those, so there are now just two categories... 'Moving and Storage' and 'Removals'... does that look ok?

(those categories were set up about 8 years ago and I've never really thought about it since, definitely not from a spammy perspective, just the main generic search terms)

Rules have tightened up. Can't just put keywords or services in there either. Categories are not for KWs but for traditional business categories. They need to conform to the "is not does rule".

Those 2 are in violation as they are listed as well. "My business is a removals" does not sound right therefore does not comply. Same for "My business is a Moving and Storage". Those are both what your business DOES not what it IS.

Start typing in Moving and see what comes up as default. Might be moving company.

Not sure there is a default for removals but removal service or something like that would work.

But I'd just try to find defaults because once you really do upgrade to the new dashboard custom categories will all get thrown out.
The 'Moving and Storage' was actually from the default list, so surely that can't be a violation?

Anyway, I've now changed my category to just 'Mover' which is the most accurate one on the default list. I've noticed some listings over here have the category 'removals' but that doesn't appear as a choice on my default options.

Since removing all the other categories my listing has now gone to pending / being reviewed so I'm praying I get back up and running soon.

So I'm definitely still on the old dashboard you think?

(much appreciate all the help btw)
"The 'Moving and Storage' was actually from the default list, so surely that can't be a violation?"

It is? Odd I've never seen Google break it's own category rules before and it's not a category in the US.

"So I'm definitely still on the old dashboard you think?"

Assume but don't know for sure without seeing.

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