More threads by alexo


Oct 15, 2016
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Hi Group. This is mostly GSC question and not as much related to Local search, but I'm sure most of us on daily basic work with GSC. The problem is that I noticed >1k URLs on

1. "Page is not indexed: Not found (404) "
2. Page indexing  Page with redirect report

Here are page URLs from that reports

At first I thought that phone number link is broken on my website, and start checking all those URLs one by one, but all good. The reason of those URLS are few other websites that grab my content and show on their websites, and for some reason after if was transferred on their platform phone URLs are damaged - so I find a lot of URLs like that

Google find these URLs overthere and as results reported 404 page it on my side. We all know that having a lot fo 404 pages isn't good sign, but how can I fight with that?

1. Report google to remove those websites from index
2. don't consider those links from other websites?
3. add these websites to disavow file (is it outdated?)
... ?

example link to that website with our content
I've seen that type of thing too. You can ignore it. It's only an issue if there are thousands of them that's eating away at crawl budget.

...and if that's the case, just set up a regex matching redirect to replace any URL with "tel:myphonenumber" with just the URL. Example: Try using this:
Source of redirect:

Destination of redirect:

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