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Apr 10, 2022
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How does someone start ranking above competitors? I've been working on my SEO.....Citations, Backlinks, blog posts, how to's, improving the gmb with info and updates daily... im just not being able to move my ranking to the top 3 and its proving to be a tough one to do. Wondering if theres high DA links a guy can throw my way to signup on or something of that nature? any help i appreciate it, thanks!
How does someone start ranking above competitors? I've been working on my SEO.....Citations, Backlinks, blog posts, how to's, improving the gmb with info and updates daily... im just not being able to move my ranking to the top 3 and its proving to be a tough one to do. Wondering if theres high DA links a guy can throw my way to signup on or something of that nature? any help i appreciate it, thanks!

There are about a million different ways to answer this question and there are a tons of different variables that can affect how you approach ranking above a competitor, such as location, industry, competitors, etc. But I'll take first stab at this ;)!

It is hard to tell from your post if you are referring to the Local (Map) Pack or the Organic results that typically show below the Local Pack. FWIW, sometimes organic listings and "snippets" will show above the Local Pack.

In either case, there are different strategies to rank in the Local Pack versus the Organic results. Here is a great article I'd highly suggest reading that may answer a lot of your questions and also does a great job of explaining the different ranking factors that goes into Local Pack versus Organic Ranking: Local SEO Ranking Factors: What Affects Local Rankings?

In short, how well you optimize your GBP/GMB, along with proximity of the person searching and quality Google reviews, will have a huge impact on your Local Pack ranking.

In regards to ranking organically, if you were to simply focus on one thing, it would be having better written content than your competitors that is organized properly. The best piece of advice I can give is to remember that you shouldn't be focusing on ranking your website, but ranking individual web pages of content. One can often have two different pages from the same website ranking in the top 3. Research "hub and spoke content SEO" and "Pillar Content SEO". While our company also works hard on Citations and Backlinks, our best ROI is having great content that is highly optimized/organized. Depending on the type of business, having high quality, original (not stock) photography can also be very impactful on ranking.

Last but not least, we've been doing paid SEO and AdWords for many years, but we always learn so much from LocalU's webinars and seminars. If you haven't joined one yet, I'd highly suggest purchasing/watching the previous ones: Buy LocalU Event Videos - Local University

Best of luck!
Simplify your question as SEO encyclopedias would be needed to answer this.
. Example: How to evaluate the weight of backlinks this is fun to answer and DA is not relevant and easily manipulated.

Do not buy backlinks best case scenario you will lose money and learn how to use your disavow tool.

There a few ranking factors involved. The first thing I always do when I start, is that I try to "match" the metrics of my competitors. Also, It's not just about posting blog posts, you have to be topical authority.

I recommend you:
1. Try to match the average reviews.
2. Add keywords on the reviews.
3. Copy Citations of the competitors.
4. Build Topical Authority/Clusters.

Thanks for reading me...

There a few ranking factors involved. The first thing I always do when I start, is that I try to "match" the metrics of my competitors. Also, It's not just about posting blog posts, you have to be topical authority.

I recommend you:
1. Try to match the average reviews.
2. Add keywords on the reviews.
3. Copy Citations of the competitors.
4. Build Topical Authority/Clusters.

Thanks for reading me...

How do you add keywords to the reviews?

There a few ranking factors involved. The first thing I always do when I start, is that I try to "match" the metrics of my competitors. Also, It's not just about posting blog posts, you have to be topical authority.

I recommend you:
1. Try to match the average reviews.
2. Add keywords on the reviews.
3. Copy Citations of the competitors.
4. Build Topical Authority/Clusters.

Thanks for reading me...
The number of reviews for a business profile is not a ranking factor. I too am curious about how you get keywords added to reviews.

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