More threads by JoyHawkins


Local Search Expert
LocalU Faculty
Aug 23, 2014
Reaction score
I thought I'd share this with you all. This is a fake listing that I've reported now 4 times and every time Google takes it down, the owners somehow magically get it reinstated. As far as I know, there is no way to automatically reinstate a suspended listing in the GMB dashboard but I feel like there must be some loophole that I don't know about.

I would say it's definitely on the GMB side because if they were doing it via MapMaker it wouldn't say "Google" as the one doing it.

Have any of you ever seen anything like this?

Google Map Maker
Thanks for sharing this one Joy!

Is this the one you told me about that in addition to being fake it's in the Regis office?
Hey Linda,

Yep it's a Regus office and when you call the number it rings to a legit company that's in Whitby (Google Map Maker)
As of a few minutes ago it's removed again. We'll see how long this one lasts.

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