More threads by mikepcservice

Jun 6, 2018
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I have to build a 24 page site for a Building Inspector then do SEO. I have been doing a Plumber's SEO for years now charging $400 per month but this site will have lots more kw's and twice the amount of pages. Any ideas what I should be charging please?
You have to know what you are worth! If you know you are getting ranked and increasing their business $400/month is way too CHEAP! Does a REAL expert lower his/her prices? Lower prices mean you're not really that good. That's what your customer thinks... 1K/month is the min I would charge.
Thanks. Yes I realize that but in order to get jobs especially here in NYC where a lot of people are doing it from a little as $100 up and due to Covid's impact, local servicemen are going the cheaper route. This means either I try to lower my pricing or get no jobs at all.

Look at these 2 as only 2 examples, there are many more:

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I disagree respectfully. There are cheap services, and there are good services in my opinion. I spend 5X that on my expenses for a client. If someone is charging $100/mo they aren't doing much, but copy and
I am with you with everything you've written, all I am trying to show is that in my neck of the woods competition is through the roof and the servicemen who are struggling usually tend to go for the cheaper option.
According to this study, the average people are charging is about $1600/month. I think this industry has a lot of variety when it comes to prices but you get what you pay for. If you're trying to stay in the low end, you can probably still do that with a monthly fee of $750/month.

IMO, I wouldn't want a client that pays that little as I'm not sure I could actually get decent results on that low of a budget. Our minimum is $2500/month.
There are people who charge 8-10K per month for optimization. And that doesn't mean anything. Start with the lowest price that suits you. And develop your profile on high quality work and good reviews. Then the price for your work will rise.

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