More threads by GreyHatHacks


Jan 11, 2020
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Hey all,

Some time ago, I discovered how to find Every Single Category for any GMB Listing.

Here's how :)

  1. Enter a Business Name in Google Maps (make sure the URL is .../maps/places/Business+Name/@latidue+@longitude)
  2. Right Click to "View Source" Code in the listing panel that contains the Business Name, Category, and reviews
  3. Use your computer's search function to browse the source code for the primary listing
This will result in a few findings.

Browse through until you see something like this:

Screen Shot 2020-01-11 at 12.53.45 PM.png

Bam! All Listing Categories!

*Note, if you only see one category, the listing only has one category*

Happy SEO-ing :)
I've been using this approach to find Google My Business categories, but it takes a long time and is a bit clumsy. Since we need to review many business GMB categories, we wrote a Chrome Extension to take care of this task. GMBspy, available for free on the Chrome Store. It only works with URLs.
GMBspy Screenshot 1280 x 800 8-25-2020.png

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