More threads by expinch


Jun 8, 2024
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Does Google Local Services pull your company's services exclusively from Google Business Profile now? I'm fairly certain we used to be able to choose our services within the app, but don't see the options anymore.

If this is the case, is there any way to prevent ads being shown for some services? As real estate agents, we want to advertise land sales on our Google Business Profile, but would rather not advertise for these. We're being charged for inquiries for $5000 plots of land that we can't even turn a profit on.
Does Google Local Services pull your company's services exclusively from Google Business Profile now? I'm fairly certain we used to be able to choose our services within the app, but don't see the options anymore.

If this is the case, is there any way to prevent ads being shown for some services? As real estate agents, we want to advertise land sales on our Google Business Profile, but would rather not advertise for these. We're being charged for inquiries for $5000 plots of land that we can't even turn a profit on.

Land sales isn't a job type under the Real Estate Agent industry, but it probably could show for land sales searches with the "Other" job type selected.

And really, I wouldn't have extreme confidence in your ads not showing for those searches even if that "Other" job type is disabled.

So, best you can do is test it to see, but in answer to your question that would a way to prevent ads from being shown for some services. I would also rate those leads accordingly. I haven't heard or seen job types being pulled from the Services section of associated GBPs.

Ok thanks, we have Other turned to Off. I really hope they improve their AI system, I'd estimate that at least half of our charged calls right now are for rentals (which we don't have checked), land sales (which are not profitable), or some type of service provider (hey, I do pressure washing).

We're being charged for almost all of them. We've called and complained as we're told, "Sorry, it's AI".
Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous. Lead quality/volume has definitely tanked in the past year or so in my experience, for a lot of accounts in various industries, and especially after the switch to their automated crediting system.

Super frustrating to say the least.

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