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May 17, 2016
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Is it possible to get more that a quater (3 months) worth of insights (analytics) into profile views / website clicks from google my business ?
No, it's not. But there are work-arounds. One, for example, would be to set up a tracking parameter on your Google My Business website URL. That way you'd be able to track it in Google Analytics.

Another way would be to get the data in Google Search Console, but you'd have to save it (export it) every so often.
You can get up to 18 months of analytics through Google's GMB API. If you're code savvy you can just get it yourself, or you can use a 3rd party system that's pulling and displaying the information. Brightlocal has integrated Insights analytics into their dashboard, if you're a brightlocal customer already you can view that 18 months of data easily enough.

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