I have a client with a moving SAB. He previously had a business profile that he marked as "permanently closed" after the company's renaming and relocation. He opened a new account but encountered verification problems. Google did not verify it, even after a live video call, without further explanation.
So, I decided to re-open the old account as it was active and didn't have any verification or suspension issues. We successfully renamed the account and updated the contact and location information. The account has been verified, and we started filling it up and serving it. Everything was fine for about three weeks. Then, after minor updates (I believe it was a working hours update or the main cover photo), the account became marked as "visible only to managers".
I contacted support and had a mutual email exchange until they eventually said that the account is actually visible and recommended that I clear my browser cache (lol).
As of now, the "visible only for managers" disclaimer is still present when I log in as a manager. If searched by the brand name, the Google business profile does not appear at all. If I go straight to maps and search the brand name, it appears approximately 20th in the search results.
I believe that this type of semi-invisibility is worse than complete invisibility because it's not obvious, and Google continues to say that they don't have any issues on their end.
Any input is much appreciated.
So, I decided to re-open the old account as it was active and didn't have any verification or suspension issues. We successfully renamed the account and updated the contact and location information. The account has been verified, and we started filling it up and serving it. Everything was fine for about three weeks. Then, after minor updates (I believe it was a working hours update or the main cover photo), the account became marked as "visible only to managers".
I contacted support and had a mutual email exchange until they eventually said that the account is actually visible and recommended that I clear my browser cache (lol).
As of now, the "visible only for managers" disclaimer is still present when I log in as a manager. If searched by the brand name, the Google business profile does not appear at all. If I go straight to maps and search the brand name, it appears approximately 20th in the search results.
I believe that this type of semi-invisibility is worse than complete invisibility because it's not obvious, and Google continues to say that they don't have any issues on their end.
Any input is much appreciated.