More threads by Friedrice14

Apr 17, 2018
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I'm not active on here at all, but I manage my own businesses' SEO and just realized I've made a critical mistake. I have been using my personal Google account to manage all my GMB listings instead of having dedicated Gmail accounts just for that.

Well, after cancelling an order from the Google Play Store for the new Pixel 4a, my Google account was cancelled and a payment fraud alert was sent to me. Normally this would be no big deal, but since everything was connected to this account, all of my GMB locations were suspended (the one that's not is one that I'm a manager of, not an owner).

This goes to show that it would probably be wise to have "GMB Only" Google accounts that never do anything else besides manage listings. I'm probably beating a dead horse with this topic, but it just goes to show it's better to be safe than sorry.


Thanks for the heads up, though I'd argue having multiple fake Gmail/Google accounts to manage listings -while it may spread the risk- isn't the best way to go either.
Thanks for sharing. This is really useful to know.

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