More threads by bradleymarones

Jul 9, 2013
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Hey guys, this might be a dumb question. Should we be building links to the business' G+ page? Does this in anyway, shape or form affect rankings or help at all?

Logically, I would think yes. Links from the business' site, directories, or other relevant sites.

Anyone have any experience/insight in this area?
Most experts agree it does not help. Here is a post Mike did where lots of consultants weighed in.

Should You Do Linkbuilding to Your G+ Page for Local? | Understanding Google Places & Local Search

I have heard a couple consultants say though that their ranking jumped after they added a G+L link to their own website. But that could be coincidence or something. On the other hand I think it's a good idea and could help her tie everything together. But I would not put energy into backlinking to it. In fact, I suspect that could potentially hurt you if overdone or done wrong.
Seems to make sense, the links/link-building efforts may be considered spammy as well (if Google has those filters in place) unless the links are coming from targeted (directory/review/hyper-local sites) sites.

Thanks Linda!

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