More threads by raylaminac

Oct 16, 2013
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When Google+ Local came out I was pretty excited to see that you could create links within the description. At first every new client I got I used links in the description and did not have any issues, lately though I have been linking less and less.

I was wondering if anyone knows the effect that links in the description have?

Is it a tactic that is secretly frowned upon or could cause issues down the road, or would you say it creates a good user experience leading visitors to specific pages for all of their inquires?
Hey Ray,

I think if it is done properly it can be a very useful strategy. I would think linking to a service page or a location page on the website for an SAB would be appropriate and useful to the potential customer.

Historically, the description is said to have little to no impact on ranking and Google doesn't pay any attention to it. Maybe that has changed a little with the ability to add links, but I haven't come across any research on the topic yet.
Neither had I which is why I was a little concerned about it.

Thank you for your help!
My gut says do it sparingly and carefully if at all. I've seen spammy listings that really overdo it. Sometimes Google gives you just enough rope to hang yourself. :eek:

I remember back in the old days (like 2 - 3 years ago) when Google was suspending Place pages for description spam.

The guidelines said something like "Use the description to list any additional info." What she meant was do not repeat anything you already listed at the top of the Place page. (IE NAP, cats.) You already told us your name, city and keywords so don't keep repeating it!

So I'd just keep that in mind and only link to one important additional page that's not about one of your existing cats or main KW. Maybe an additional services page or service area page or an "our specials" page or whatever.
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Yes, totally agree. I think it could be very effective if done for the right reasons.

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Hi everyone!

I've seen a competitor of ours including links to their client's Google+ profiles in the Google+ local description. Any thoughts on whether this is something to think about doing?

Seems like a spam tactic to me.

The issue with these things is normally the brief uptick you may see in ranking will eventually be replaced potentially by a extended down tick in ranking.

I just choose not to do anything spammy at all that way I don't have to deal with the repercussions.

It also prevents me from wondering if that's hurting my ranking while I'm trying to sleep at night. Secondary benefit.
Ah I realized earlier today that the "Google+ URL" link is not part of the description, but underneath it. This populates when you choose to get a custom URL for your local listing. It doesn't link to a G+ profile, which I just assumed. It actually links to the Posts tab on the same local listing. Sorry if this caused any confusion for anyone!!
Thanks for coming back to clarify that Rachel. I'm glad the issue came up on our Pro call today.

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