More threads by JoyHawkins


Local Search Expert
LocalU Faculty
Aug 23, 2014
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I just did a search on Google for "Imprezzio Marketing" and was shocked that our G+ listing/knowledge graph didn't show up. It always has in the past with all our reviews. Then I did the same search for "Nifty Marketing" and "Whitespark" and "Powered by Search" and noticed the same thing for all of them. It doesn't return their G+ listing.

Are you guys noticing the same?
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I saw the Knowledge Graph for Whitespark and a few others that I checked but did not see one for Imprezzio, Nifty or Powered by Search. I was logged in to Chrome when I checked.

I logged out of Firefox and tried the same brand searches and I didnt get a Knowledge Graph for Whitespark but a recent post to their G+ page. No Knowledge Graph for any of the other sites you mentioned.

Are you logged in or out? Just curious.
Joy - i'm not seeing it either for those searches - ugh.
I was logged in. I actually see it when I'm logged out in incognito for a lot of them. That's really odd?
I checked a couple of those including yours Joy and get no KG.

But I get one for myself - Catalyst eMarketing. But not sure if it's because I searched for myself and due to personalization. That was just logged in with FF.

Does anyone else get a KG for me? If you need to add city it's San Marcos Ca.

You know I read speculation somewhere, maybe in comments at Mike's that when G+ posts went away they thought the KG would be going away soon too?? But can't remember who said it and not sure they had insider info. May have just been a guess.
OR maybe another temporary bug???

Logged in - - I do not see knowledge graph/g+ listing for you
Logged in - (&gl=us added) - I see it

Logged Out/Incognito - - I do not see it
Logged Out/Incognito - (&gl=us added) - I see it
So either way with .com you see it?

That's good. I mean I don't really rely on that particular listing much for what I do.
And I doubt I get many brand searches. Mainly just nice to have the reviews.

So mainly was asking out of curiosity so we could try to figure out which show and which don't and why.

Wonder if it's another update rolling out and that's why results seem a little spotty?

Are you searching with City in the search? Because often for smaller local businesses you need to add city to pull up the KG. (I know you know that, just wondered if that's how you were searching?)
It's funny you bring this up, Joy, because I too noticed the same issue with Page 1 Solutions last week. When I noticed it, I did a test search for Location 3 Media since I know they're really into local as well, and same problem with them. No KG, with or without the GEO modifier.

I did call GMB support about this and the rep I spoke with told me it was a map connection issue and that it needed to be sent to their internal team, but I haven't heard back or seen any change. And, that wouldn't really make sense because when I search in Maps, our listing populates just fine. I called again yesterday and they said it's an issue with the algo. :( I really wish Google would train their support team a bit more because I get inconsistent info all the time.

Does anyone else get a KG for me? If you need to add city it's San Marcos Ca.

You know I read speculation somewhere, maybe in comments at Mike's that when G+ posts went away they thought the KG would be going away soon too?? But can't remember who said it and not sure they had insider info. May have just been a guess. OR maybe another temporary bug???

@Linda -- I am seeing the KG for you and didn't need to include the city. I haven't heard anything about the KG going away, but I'm going to do some digging to see if there have been any relevant articles. Let you know what I find!
Okay now i'm seeing it again for Imprezzio Marketing.
FYI Everyone - yesterday for several hours we were seeing lots of really odd things happening on Google (including this) but later in the day everything went back to normal. I'm glad I posted this to confirm you all were seeing the same thing. I think one of the engineers hit a wrong button somewhere :)

Sorry if this is in the wrong thread...but I wanted an experts opinion on closed Google listings showing up in the KG. We have had some luck at merging a couple of listings that were showing up as "permanently" closed in the knowledge graph, but now I am wondering if we need to get rid of/merge ALL listings we previous marked as closed with the live listing(s) even if the 'already marked as closed' listing IS NOT showing in the KG?

I am thinking no, but I have noticed a few G+ listings marked as closed showing on the 3rd or 4th page in search so I am not sure if these closed listings could be hurting rankings and are worth trying to get rid of completely...

Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
Hey Sarah,

Start a new thread and list the details of the business that you're experiencing this with and I'd be happy to take a look.
HI Joy,

Thank you - I just posted this comment to a new thread...more details to come!

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