More threads by Louis Nava

Aug 10, 2013
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I'm looking for an explanation and plan of action to a particular situation in which Google My Business could not advise me on.

I am working with a client who has duplicate pages.

Page A - Verified, All business info is correct (Business name is spelled out), 2 reviews, photos, missing virtual tour.

Not Visible on Google maps for keywords - only by Brand name search.

Page B - Not Verified, All business info is correct (Business name is in acronym form), 0 reviews, photos, includes virtual tour. In dashboard Googles duplicate alert is showing on top and states that the page will not show on maps because it's a duplicate. Can't edit.

Page B Ranks #1 on Local 3 stack for all keywords in search and maps

I'm wondering if anyone has seen something like this before. I'm wanting to do a merge but am wondering if there will be some possible ranking loss if I do. Any suggestions?
Hi Louis,

Hard to say for sure without seeing the actual pages. But my first instinct would be to delete the dup that is currently claimed and not ranking and then claim and verify the page that ranks. You could then have the non-ranking page merged into the ranking page which should bring over the reviews.

Again, need to see live pages to know for sure if that is the best option.

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