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Attend LocalU Advanced Virtual​

Tune in for completely new content from top experts in Local Search, never presented before at ANY conference!

Just $99/person for access to the full day of information – live or on-demand!

Can’t make the event? Get your ticket and watch the videos on demand – available to all ticket holders about a week after the event concludes!

Click Here For Tickets and More Info

If you’ve attended one of our other virtual events in the past 12-months – rest assured – this is going to be completely new content. New research & case studies, new topics, features & opportunities will be discussed.

Our planning team works hard to ensure our speakers do not regurgitate the things you’ve heard at our conferences, or any others dedicated to local search. We pay our speakers, and as a result, we have some of the best minds and information available – for an incredibly reasonable cost to you.

Whether you run an agency that serves brick-and-mortar businesses, work in-house for a large brand, or manage multiple locations & enterprise accounts. Or if you’re looking to expand into local marketing from traditional SEO, you won’t want to miss Local U Advanced Training. All new content is presented by thought leaders in the industry.

These sessions will be jam-packed, presented at an advanced level, and feature ALL of the most up-to-date information about what’s working and what’s not in Local Search Engine Optimization. Join us for a great day with an incredible speaker lineup with all-new content.

Meet Our Speakers​

We have some pretty amazing speakers talking about the latest in Local Search. Join us for new content from:

Lessons Learned from Disputing 1000 Fake Reviews
Curtis Boyd (@askfortransparency ), Founder, The Transparency Company
Take a deep dive into the data and analytics of 1000 fake review takedown requests. Explore what methods of review removal worked better and what types of reviews were being removed more frequently. We're also going to examine the amount of time spent on review removal, so you can see from expert experience which reviews are more worthwhile to dispute.

Win Customers with Local Content: 9 Tips
Charli Hunt, Founder, Proof Content
Content should be a big part of your Local SEO strategy. But after you’ve helped people find your business how do you win them as customers? Charli’s nine tips include writing content in a similar voice to your customers’, answering key questions, and adding your own unique flair.

Work Smarter, Not Harder with Practical GDS Uses
Amanda Jordan, Director of Digital Strategy, RicketyRoo
Step up your analysis and reporting with Google Data Studio. Automation and tools should make your job easier, not more complicated. You will learn how to use Google Data Studio to make reporting and analysis easier including quickly, practically and efficiently creating keyword reports, backlink reports, GBP reports, and more.

The State of Spam Fighting: What We Learned From Analyzing 5,306 Listings in 16 Industries
@JoyHawkins , Founder, Sterling Sky
According to the 2021 Local Search Ranking Factors Study, Local SEOs are very divided on if spam fighting still works as an effective strategy. In this presentation, Joy breaks down what they've learned from analyzing 5306 listings over the course of 3 years in 16 different industries. Find out what works, what doesn't, and how you can be sure to spend your time wisely to maximize the ROI from dealing with spam on Google Maps.

How Local Businesses Can Leverage LinkedIn to Drive An Avalanche of Leads & Sales
Matthew Hunt (@matthew hunt ), Founder, Automation Wolf
LinkedIn is greatly overlooked as a channel for most local businesses and this is a BIG missed opportunity, as you can leverage LinkedIn to build strategic partnerships to drive an avalanche of leads and sales for your businesses. In this session, we'll unpack 6 simple ways a local business can leverage LinkedIn to grow revenues and strategic partnerships in their local community.

Into the Unknown - Building Content without First Party Data
Noah Learner (@noahlearner ), Product Director,
Two Octobers
What do we do when there’s no data? Join Noah Learner to learn how to build content that is either brand new for a website or brand new to you as an SEO. We’ll go beyond keyword research to teach you the workflows to build topic maps, internal linking maps and content briefs to both break into the SERPS for new topics and win more budget from stakeholders for your efforts.

Vicinity Update - Impact & Recovery
@Yan Gilbert , Senior SEO Analyst, Sterling Sky
@Colan Nielsen , VP of Local Search,
Sterling Sky
According to the 2021 Local Search Ranking Factors Study, Local SEOs are very divided on if spam fighting still works as an effective strategy. In this presentation, Joy breaks down what they've learned from analyzing 5306 listings over the course of 3 years in 16 different industries. Find out what works, what doesn't, and how you can be sure to spend your time wisely to maximize the ROI from dealing with spam on Google Maps.

How Much Am I Going To Get & How Fast? The Thankless Art of SEO Forecasting
@Andrew Shotland , Founder, Local SEO Guide
Stakeholders always ask for forecasts SEOs hate giving forecasts because who really knows? Here are common ways SEOs do forecasting. They are often pretty flaky. Could we create a model that is based on historical data and tied to investment? Here’s how we approached it and here’s how it works. You can do this yourselves and shut those pesky stakeholders up."

The FTC & the Shifting Sands of Reviews
Mike Blumenthal (@mblumenthal ), Co-founder at
The FTC has been busy in the review space lately; investigating abuses, handing out fines, detailing what you can’t do and identifying review platforms that are violating the new rules. Learn the details and what it means for your clients and your agency.

Can't Afford a Ticket? We Have Scholarships Available!​

Our aim is to educate as many as we can on the tactics and strategies that work for Local Search & Local SEO. With that goal in mind, we’re proud to offer scholarship opportunities for those who need them. Our last event in November awarded nearly 40 scholarships with the help of our Scholarship Sponsors!

Scholarships are awarded to those who meet the following criteria:
  • Have been laid off
  • Have experienced a reduction in work
  • Desire knowledge, but work for a company without budget or desire to invest in education
  • Are freelance/consultants with limited education budgets
Preference is given to those who have not previously received a scholarship, but a previous award does not disqualify you – we encourage everyone who wants to learn, but doesn’t have the budget for the $99 ticket, to apply.

Apply For a Scholarship Here

Become an Event Sponsor​

Interested in sponsoring a LocalU event? Let us know – we have a few different sponsorship packages available for you to choose from. If you have any questions or would like to initiate a sponsorship, Email Carrie at online (at)

Gold Sponsors​


Scholarship Sponsors​


LocalU Advanced Virtual - Tuesday April 5, 2022

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New advertising option: A review of your product or service posted by a Sterling Sky employee. This will also be shared on the Sterling Sky & LSF Twitter accounts, our Facebook group, LinkedIn, and both newsletters. More...
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