More threads by MattCarter08

Apr 15, 2013
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Hi Guys,

Looking for a advice on having multiple phone numbers. We have dealers who have both a sales phone number and service phone number for the same address. Is it possible to specify this in Google Places so both numbers are displayed in the SERP GP listing as shown below?


Or is it possible to even add multiple numbers on the actual GP local page?


Any advice on this?

Seems to be from my initial research, the only way to two numbers is via the description.



As far as I know you can add as many phone numbers as you'd like to the contact section when you edit a listing. This may be new to GMB but I'm sure that I've added a local and non-local number to a listing before. I don't know how Google determines which number will show up in Google search though... Screen-Shot-2014-06-12-at-10.12.jpg


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