More threads by Vpoly


Jan 28, 2022
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Hey guys. Need help with increasing the number of reviews on my business on Google Maps. I was considering using one of freelance services like Fiverr, but it’s not really convenient for me as I have to look for some particular executer there. Does anyone know where I can look for crowd marketing services?
Hey guys. Need help with increasing the number of reviews on my business on Google Maps. I was considering using one of freelance services like Fiverr, but it’s not really convenient for me as I have to look for some particular executer there. Does anyone know where I can look for crowd marketing services?

Yeah, you'd definitely be better off providing great service and asking happy customers. You won't be breaking the rules, your word of mouth reputation and advertising will be much better, and it is an actual reflection on your brand. Users are smart, and fake reviews are easy to pick out. Don't sacrifice long term gains for a quick fix.
Reviews have zero impact on rankings.
Anyone that says otherwise is a fool.

Reviews have a ton of value, and even if they didn't impact rankings, that is not the only thing that can affect the success of a business online. There is a ton of data showing the value of a strong review profile, and blanket statements like this are dangerous.
Reviews have zero impact on rankings.
Anyone that says otherwise is a fool.

That's not entirely correct. Mike Blumenthal found that reviews do have a ranking impact on rankings. However, after a certain amount of reviews, you won't see any more impact. It could be 5, 10, or 20 reviews. Also having keywords in reviews will have a major impact on rankings.
If you're referring to buying reviews, that's not legal and definitely not something we are going to recommend on this forum.

The problem is my services are not bad, but the number of reviews is extremely low... I'm struggling to encourage my users to leave more feedback. Of course, the number will grow as time goes, but I was looking for some ways to speed up this process, that's it. Thanks for your opinion anyway!
Yeah, you'd definitely be better off providing great service and asking happy customers. You won't be breaking the rules, your word of mouth reputation and advertising will be much better, and it is an actual reflection on your brand. Users are smart, and fake reviews are easy to pick out. Don't sacrifice long term gains for a quick fix.

Thanks, I think I just need more time here.

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