More threads by David Deering

Nov 25, 2012
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Today, Google announced that if you sign into WordPress with Google, your new content will automatically be associated with your Google+ profile for authorship sake. So in other words, you will no longer have to use the reciprocal link process or email verification for the sake of Authorship markup. Apparently, this only applies to WordPress and Typepad websites for the time being.

They also announced that you can now embed Google+ posts into your page, allowing others to +1, comment, and follow you or others on the spot.

Here's the link to Google's announcement: Google+: author attribution & embedded posts - Google+ Developers Blog
re: NEW: Automatic Authorship Attribution for WordPress & Google+ Embedded Posts

That's great news. Thanks for the heads-up, David.
We post a ton a blogs using WP, so this may be a great addition. Thanks David.

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