More threads by Colan Nielsen

Colan Nielsen

Jul 19, 2012
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Just clicked on the "edit business details" link on a listing and it re-directed me to a map maker style edit page.

Has anyone seen this?

Sorry, can't seem to attach a pic.
We've noticed it in Map Maker already, is it by chance a Canadian business? So far we're just seeing it in Canada, we're often used for testing up here.

This is what I'm seeing...are you seeing this?

12-20-2012 9-04-56 PM.jpg

I'm seeing this for both merged and unmerged listings...

12-20-2012 9-04-56 PM.jpg
Flash, yes it was only Canadian businesses.

Don, that's the traditional format. This was different.
Yeah, this didn't seem to be any different to me than what I had been seeing before but thought I would confirm what you were seeing, or not seeing anyway.

But then the thought occurred to me (yes, the brain works a bit slower this time of night...) to go to Canada to see what you might be seeing, after reading Flash's post.

And yes, quite a bit different...Is this what is being shown across the border?

12-20-2012 9-36-24 PM.jpg

12-20-2012 9-36-24 PM.jpg
We're doing some experiments on it right now, as it directs you to a Map Maker URL, but appears to have the same questions as the old format Don has pasted above, so it's unclear if it is just a new UI on the same old page, but hosted in a new location... or something else. I'll report back in a bit.
Yes I found out about it right before I rushed out the door today. I believe they are just testing in Canada currently.
I have a question in the other thread Linda linked to about identifying previously verified apart from unclaimed listings... not sure if I should leave it there or re-post it here. Is anyone else seeing an issue with the new "edit details" screen?

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