More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Local Search Expert
Jun 28, 2012
Reaction score

Back in August Google introduced "Help on Social", a new way to ask Google questions on Twitter.

Help on Social, a mobile-friendly site powered by Conversocial, let's you ask questions and get help with any Google product via Twitter. However GMB support was only recently added.

Elizabeth our Google My Business Community Manager just publicly announced a couple days ago that the program is available now for GMB help.

Help on Social, a new way to ask and answer Google My Business questions on Twitter

Help on Social, a mobile-friendly site powered by Conversocial, brings together Google My Business product questions from across Twitter so you can ask questions or help others. Plus, you can earn some nifty points and climb the leaderboards as you help more folks.

Have a Google question? Tweet with hashtag #gHelp!

If you like to express yourself in 140 characters or less, tweet your Google product questions with #gHelp. Our community of expert users -- including Google Top Contributors -- are on standby ready to help!

In case you have not noticed Google Small Business and Twitter have been teaming up on lots of SMB initiatives lately. I find that really interesting. And most people are not aware but Twitter support has been an option for awhile via @GoogleSmallBiz on Twitter. But #gHelp goes beyond getting help direct from Google support on Twitter and pulls in the knowledge base of Google Top Contributors.

All the GMB TCs were invited awhile back to get set up and ready. You'll find Joy, Mike, Priya and others are pretty active there already. I won't be doing it for 2 reasons. 1) RSI 2) Anyone that reads me knows I can't answer a GMB Q in 140 characters. :) Haha!

And really, as convoluted as GMB issues can get trying to get help on anything that complicated on Twitter in 140 character convos would be tough. But for quick easy answers it's awesome!

So if you want to get Twitter help from Google Top Contributors and Googlers just Tweet #gHelp.

OR if you are an expert and want to help provide answers to GMB questions, check out the program here:

P.S. Pro tip: If any of you have set a goal to become a TC some day, in addition to helping at the GMB Community, this would be another great way to show off your knowledge and get on Google's radar. :)

I don't really understand this move by Google. 140 characters to explain a problem? Good luck. I will watch with popcorn.

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I don't really understand this move by Google. 140 characters to explain a problem? Good luck. I will watch with popcorn.

Especially GMB Qs right?

But obviously with only 140 characters it's better easy questions with short answers.
You can see a good interchange with Mike Blumenthal below about Show Home real estate offices. And Priya is providing lots of answers too.

You can get a feel for the types of Q & A here:
I think this is a helpful move by Google, especially for non pros. I agree with Cody that this will be interesting to watch. I'm curious to see how effective the hashtag will be for problem-solving. Being able to mine the tweets for a similar issue before tweeting could save loads of time. Thanks for sharing, Linda!
I tried going through Twitter to ask a question about whether having your address as a suburb of a city affected anything and they got back to me within a couple of days. He didn't think so but they ended up changing the address to the city not the suburb for me as it wasn't picking it up from MyBusiness.

They were very helpful indeed.
dang... here I was enjoying my twitter free life. Ah well, thanks for the share Linda! I struggle with verbosity too, what can really be said in 140 characters? But at the very least, that's a great backlog of answers that'll be built up, good resource to know about if a person is looking for the answer the something specific.
You just have to give a brief summary of the problem. They will reply and ask you to direct message them so you don't have the character limit.
I asked for help with an issue yesterday and initiated it via DM (so no character limit). Got a response in under an hour. Woohoo!
I can safely say that Twitter support is about 500% better than phone support so far. I now use it exclusively by tweeting to @GoogleSmallBiz.
P.S. Pro tip: If any of you have set a goal to become a TC some day, in addition to helping at the GMB Community, this would be another great way to show off your knowledge and get on Google's radar. :)

Linda (or anyone else), can you remind me as to what a "TC" is? Thank you.
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I can safely say that Twitter support is about 500% better than phone support so far. I now use it exclusively by tweeting to @GoogleSmallBiz.

Are you seeing more complicated issues like duplicate listings, etc. getting resolved by this support?

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