More threads by Jo Shaer

Jul 27, 2012
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Hi All

Last week, after overcoming several issues, I finally got my client's listing verified and ranking and you all celebrated with me :)

This week, he has just received an email from Google+ saying that his listing is incomplete and inviting him to fill in the blanks and verify with a new pin.

Following the links it takes me to another G+ page with a different CID number. If I follow their instructions to complete the listing, I go through to what I assume is the new Google Places for Business dashboard.

Is this a dupe or a transition from Places to Plus Local?


I can see no way on the dashboard to verify the page and then suspend it as I would have previously on the old Places dashboard.

Does this function still exist on the new Places for Business dashboards?

Can anyone confirm what this is?

Many Thanks

In a rush so maybe missed something or am not thinking straight...

But this looks like a Google+ BUSINESS page to me. Not a Place page.

It says Google+ on the screenshot. Plus I can see it says "unverified" which also sounds to me like G+, not Places dash.

When you log in does it say Google Places for Business at top of page? Is there are tab for "Insights" at top?

Here is what the new Places dash looks like: http://localsearchforum.catalystema...r-update-new-google-places-dashboard-all.html

So it sounds to me like they are trying to get you to "verify" a G+ page which may merge with the Place page which may not be what you want to do, depending on situation.
Linda, I was looking for that post to see the other dashboard but clearly using the wrong search terms after midnight last night when my brain was fried :O

Yes, that's the type of dashboard I am seeing and that very particular square profile icon.

Further investigation with your guidance in mind, this looks like the client has actually set up a separate Google+ Business page from his existing G+ personal profile back in November. He completed some but not all of the info.

As a result, we cannot verify the page until we fill out the remainder.

However, bearing in mind that he is an SAB, I'm thinking we should not verify anyway.

My last info on this said that SABs were not being given the final G+ Business pages for the time being. Is that still correct?
Correct, SABs should not verify/merge yet.

You can finish setting up the G+ page and add all the info, just don't verify. You may get a bad message that says your info won't show up until you verify, but it's just bad messaging, don't worry about it. The page will still work and show up fine. What they mean is it won't show up in maps until it's merged.

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