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Aug 13, 2012
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Hey All,

A colleague of mine, Alex Cordes, had pointed out what we believe is an update in content on local listings. On the image below, the content for business hours reads "Open 24 hours". In the past the business hours would still show "9:00AM - 8:00AM" or "9:00AM - 9:00AM". Take a look:


We do not work within an industry that has a lot of 24 hour operational businesses so I apologize if this is old news.


Thanks "Eagle Eye Breaking News Reporter" Matt!

Yes, I think this is new, at least it's the 1st I've heard of it.

Just searched and found a good live example of a restaurant.
Ricks Cafe - About - Google+ (24 hours)

Whereas this one has the old format of 12:00 - 12:00.
Davids Café - About - Google+

I checked my dash and the hours settings look the same, so I don't see an obvious way to set it to 24 hours.

I love that you always share new news with us and REALLY appreciate it!
Thanks again Matt!
Thanks "Eagle Eye Breaking News Reporter" Matt!

Yes, I think this is new, at least it's the 1st I've heard of it.

Just searched and found a good live example of a restaurant.
Ricks Cafe - About - Google+

Whereas this one has the old format of 12:00 - 12:00.
Davids Café - About - Google+

I checked my dash and the hours settings look the same.

I love that you always share new news with us and REALLY appreciate it!
Thanks again Matt!

The 24 hour feature must be set in Places as for Ricks Cafe I didn't find any hours set in GMM. Is there a box check for 24 hours in Places or is the Places database not pushing the new format to GMM? Is 24 hrs allowed for certain days and not others or is it a strict 24/7 option?
Hi All,

Thanks for sharing the information. I have seen this show of Google earlier too with few business, but I didn't put any view on this.
But as you shared this today here so I would like to discuss this more.
I have too checked the same. I would like to describe my findings on this with the examples Linda has used.

This business has new format of Open 24 hours.
Ricks Cafe - About - Google+

I have checked the details provided to this Google listing. If you try to edit the listing with Edit business details link, you will be able to see that business hours have been provided same way it is showing.

Similarly for the below mentioned business, the timings are provided as 0:00 - 12:00.
Davids Café - About - Google+

This can be checked with same way by following Edit Business Details.
Similarly for Applebaum and Associates, the timings as are provided are showing in searches.

Update me others if any new information here.

Pankaj Kumar
Oops sorry. I "searched" Google for 24 hours and when that one came on top just assumed and didn't even notice the AM PM was wrong. But I think I noticed a clue on the other one in MM. Let me go find it again.
Yes in Rick's Caf? which is set to 25 hours in Map Maker it says

Changed on Aug 14, 2012 1:07pm by Listings Editor Yuwa B

Working hours
Added: Mon-Sun 12:00am-12:00am

But then on Aug 27 the same editor deleted hours:

Working hours
Deleted: Mon-Sun 12:00am-12:00am

So no idea what that means...
Mike just blogged about this too using the Rick's Caf? example I shared above on Thursday. Here's his post.

Google+ Local Finally Supports Businesses Open 24 Hours

We were in an email thread with Google yesterday and Mike shared a little more clarification about what types of businesses qualify to use the 24 hours feature. (So head over there to read it.)

We also got confirmation that the setting is triggered when you set both opening and closing time as 12 AM.
Mike just blogged about this too using the Rick's Caf? example I shared above on Thursday. Here's his post.

Google+ Local Finally Supports Businesses Open 24 Hours

We were in an email thread with Google yesterday and Mike shared a little more clarification about what types of businesses qualify to use the 24 hours feature. (So head over there to read it.)

We also got confirmation that the setting is triggered when you set both opening and closing time as 12 AM.

Hey Linda,

Sorry for the delayed response. Mike had asked for more than 1 example and I had notified him that you shared the Rick's Caf? one here. I hope that's okay with you, let me know if not!

Hope you're having a great (short) week so far!


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