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Apr 27, 2019
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Hi, hope someone can help here. A new client has the free Yoast SEO which has “@type”: “Organization” set up via the site settings. The address on the website footer / contact page is the main office and there is currently a single location, an outdoor activity centre (with its own page and different address). In the future there may be more activity centres.

I was going to propose the developer switches out the “@type”: “Organization” on the home page to “@type” : “LocalBusiness” using a more relevant localbusiness schema type (although these are limited - LocalBusiness - Type).

Maybe it is better simply to set up “@type” : “LocalBusiness” schema on the location page, leave the home page. The localbusiness type is not available but I wondered if this schema + productontology approach may work as outlined here - How to Pick (or Improvise) the Right Markup for Your Local Business | Local Visibility System It is an old article though so there may be a better solution? This 2023 article still refers to it - 8 Schema Templates for Local SEO - BrightLocal

Anyway, the goal is to improve signals about the website's area of business because they offer school residential trips and Google may interpret this as a Residential School (boarding school) which it is not. Thanks if you got this far!
I would go with LocalBusiness schema over Organization on both the homepage and location page. It's more specific to what the business is, which is always better.

That article may be older, but I think it would till be relevant to finding the best way to describe your business type in the schema. You can always check it after you create it using this Schema Markup Testing Tool | Google Search Central | Google for Developers

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