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Jul 7, 2017
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Hi all

We have Apple and Bing Places verified for clients. From what I can see, it looks like the photos we have added to Bing Places in the verified listing, are transferring over to the Apple verified listing( in most cases)

The photos do NOT state they're coming from Bing like Yelp does. However, based on our spot checking it seems to be the case? Anyone else see this? I am trying to save us from having to add all of these photos to ABC if theyre going to come from Bing Places anyways
Hi @sarmcl

we are seeing the same. We are trying to manually add images in the Apple Connect platform but they are not getting approved, with no reason . Very frustrating.

Have you managed to add any photos that have got approved?
Hi @sarmcl

we are seeing the same. We are trying to manually add images in the Apple Connect platform but they are not getting approved, with no reason . Very frustrating.

Have you managed to add any photos that have got approved?
Hi @sarmcl

we are seeing the same. We are trying to manually add images in the Apple Connect platform but they are not getting approved, with no reason . Very frustrating.

Have you managed to add any photos that have got approved?

Yes I have had some luck in adding photos to clients. But honestly seems pointless if same photos are on Bing and or Yelp. You are just duplicating content. So make sure you check before you add anything!
Hi @sarmcl , thanks for your response.
We still havent managed to get any images approved, even following the guidelines Photo and text standards and guidelines for Apple Business Connect, nothing back from Apple support.
With regards to photos is it Cover, Location and Showcase photos you have had success with?

Im wondering what we are doing wrong!

We have had success in that. Adding cover photos and logos has not been a problem. They should automatically be approved. I dont think they have through an approval process. Showcases do. What kind of business is it?
@sarmcl Its car dealerships but funnily enough we have just had some success in the last 2 days with showcase images, but they are not allowing dealership showroom images , just individual car images for showcase which isnt great but better than nothing.

Have you managed to add Cover Photos through your Third Party Partner account? We still are having zero success with Cover photos

@sarmcl Its car dealerships but funnily enough we have just had some success in the last 2 days with showcase images, but they are not allowing dealership showroom images , just individual car images for showcase which isnt great but better than nothing.

Have you managed to add Cover Photos through your Third Party Partner account? We still are having zero success with Cover photos

No we dont. I havent used that much as we have separate AM dashboard for each client so maybe thats why we can add them

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