More threads by camcamcz

Feb 2, 2013
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Hi, I had a listing that ended up getting deleted out of google maps because I didn't have the address hidden and I completely deleted it out of my google places dashboard and made a new listing that went live at the end up January.

Question is, my places listing is ranking for a few keywords but the main keyword I'm looking for isn't ranking high yet like the other listing I had that got deleted. My website is ranking number 2 organically for that keyword which I believe should have a good effect on my places listing but as of now the listing is on the 2nd page.

How long until the listing gets back to the top where the old listing was and ranks good?
There is no definite answer to this. I would think it depends on a bunch of factors, but if you are already on the second page and it's only been a month, you are probably in pretty good shape and on the road to recovery.

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