More threads by JoyHawkins


Local Search Expert
LocalU Faculty
Aug 23, 2014
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Hey All,

Please join me in welcoming the forum's newest sponsor - CitationBuilderPro.

My team at Sterling Sky have been using them for quite a while to schedule Google Posts for our clients. They recently launched several other tools and include them in their GMB Briefcase which allows you to:
  • Auto-create GMB posts when 5-star reviews are posted.
  • Auto-respond to Google reviews
  • Track Questions and Answers
  • Track ranking on Apple Maps (I don't think I've heard of another tool that does this)
They have a free trial for 7 days so you can try them out and see what you think.

Do you have questions about their tools? If so, please comment on this thread.

Question - when you schedule a Google Post - does it change the Google MyBusiness cover photo to whatever the post photo was?
No - When we schedule a GMB post system will create new post only and will not make any changes in GMB media like cover photo etc. But There is a module in this tool to manage GB Media, using that you schedule media posts for different categories like Cover photo, team photo, interior, exterior etc

Great stuff, thank you! I have an enterprise client with over 400 locations. Can this tool support that many? If not, is there a tool out there that can??
I am using CBP, and although I found it a little difficult to get into their way of doing things at first, their service was very good and I am using both their Citation and Briefcase Packages now. Initial results are great and I am saving a lot of time - I'll certainly keep on using them.
Hi Peter,

Thank you very much for genuine review & giving a try with our tool and services,
And as per your suggestion we will improve the initial onboarding process.


I am using CBP, and although I found it a little difficult to get into their way of doing things at first, their service was very good and I am using both their Citation and Briefcase Packages now. Initial results are great and I am saving a lot of time - I'll certainly keep on using them.

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