More threads by jjmmarketing


Jul 28, 2024
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I'm looking to see if there's a dashboard people use to track seo and gmb progress for their clients.

I had a fence installation company that I did the seo and gmb and had great results. Now own a fence supply company and looking to help the people that buy from us so they can get more leads and sell more fence.

Here's a quick video I made on what we're currently using but wanted to see if there was anything else out there. Really hoping there's a complete dashboard out there...

Also, I have no problem paying for someone's time if you're an expert and could help either point me in the right direction or connect me people that can help with this.
Hey jjmmarketing,

We are currently building something similar to what you are looking for.

Is it worth having a 15-20min chat to get feedback from your site on what exact features would be helpful? We are getting very close to launch, more than happy to let you use it for free once we launch.
I would recommend that you use Looker Studio to pull all the data in from Analytics, Search Console, etc. for free. There isn't a native Google connector for GBP connector, but we have a free one if you need something to get started Jepto — Free Data Studio Connector for Google Business Profile

This would also eliminate the need to create a report each month as the date picker will adjust the data accordingly.

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