Hi, just noticed that all of our replies to reviews on our Google My Business listing (that we have spent considerable time on over the last few years) have suddenly vanished. Must be a bug, anyone know anything? Thanks
It's possible your replies violated the guidelines. I've seen quite a few cases of these recently where Google removed them intentionally. Can you post a few examples of what you included in your responses?
Hi Joy, they have reappeared today, so maybe it was a temporary Google glitch or something to do with the data transfer connected with the ongoing updates to the new Google Search Console - if GSC has any connection to Google My Business that is?
When they reappeared today, I also noticed a review is now showing on our listing that I haven't seen before or received any notification for. It looks like it is for another business in the same space, so something must be getting updated in the background?
**Correction** Re the new review..we just received a Google notification for that, so looks like that is unconnected to our replies temporarily vanishing. (just that reviewer got the wrong business)
You should be able to get the review removed if it was clearly left for the wrong place (Ex: they mention products or services you don't offer). You first need to flag it, wait 3 days, and then you can reach out to GMB support if it's still there.
New advertising option:
A review of your product or service posted by a Sterling Sky employee. This will also be shared on the Sterling Sky & LSF Twitter accounts, our Facebook group, LinkedIn, and both newsletters.
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