More threads by luischavez0104

Aug 16, 2021
Reaction score
Hi, I have a client where their reviews are not populating. They have one review from seven weeks ago that shows up but none afterwards. They've had clients try to leave reviews and those reviews are going through but not showing up. I have tried leaving a review and it does not show up on the back end or the front end. The reviews are going through and I can see that I left a review from my Google account but it's not showing up.
Here is the link: The Junkluggers of Southwest Florida
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!



I have seen this happen for a few of my clients in Canada. All reviews left from different IP's, not using the store Wifi and genuine customers. They can see their reviews but they are not live, same as yours. Hopefully we can get some information on others experiencing the same or a solution!

Here is one example:

Hi Joy,

This is a very interesting and often frustrating topic. For example I experienced this first hand with my personal account where I posted a completely valid 5 star review with all the trimmings, names, what they did, etc. for a business under my personal email/google account and I could see it when logging into my google maps but it did not show on the business' side. Then I went ahead and posted the exact same review, word for word with a different google account through a different email that I also use and now it showed up on the business side. In that case there shouldn't really be a filter issue, right, as it is the exact same review, simply being posted under a different google account? Both were done from the same IP address, so that couldn't be the issue either. Now if you take this to the agency side and managing/helping clients, this could prove tricky, as often businesses may not even know that customers left reviews and when said customers log into their google accounts they see the review, so they might think everything is fine not knowing that the review never shows up on the business side. So there wouldn't really be any option to ask Google support, since the business wouldn't even be aware of the missing reviews. Would you have any thoughts on that? Thank you very much!
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If you have screenshots of the reviews, you can try posting about it over at the GMB forum. In about half the cases I've looked at, Google ends up restoring the reviews.
Thank you very much, Joy. In this case I was able to post them thought the other email, but I will ask the question on the GMB forum.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

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