More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Local Search Expert
Jun 28, 2012
Reaction score
Here is a trick/technique that I think could be great - USED SPARINGLY AND WISELY.

Google does not like duplicate content and they have said (OR we have suspected, not sure which) that duplicate reviews can get filtered.

However Google gives you the ability to share a G+ review AND they give you the ability now to embed a post on your site.

So below explains how to do it. BUT I would not do it often and certainly not for every review. But I think if you occasionally get a really awesome review you want to share on your site, this should be fine.

Embed Google+ Reviews Into Your Website In 3 Easy Steps | Global Web FX Inc.

What do you think? Pretty smart or too risky?

If you think it's too risky you could always take that special review and do a screenshot,
but I would think sharing it via a G+ post occasionally should be OK, since Google gives you the options to share a review and embed a post.
Hey Linda,

This is great. I don't see any issues at all around duplicate content with this method. You're not copying and pasting it, you're embedding it. The content only lives on Google's server and you're essentially just providing a window to it on your site. I see no risk at all.

So, this is GREAT!
I don't know why I didn't come her first to get my answer to this nagging issue? I used Matt's technique to embed one of my more impressive 5 Star Reviews on my WordPress site. Another Local Search Marketing "expert" I track suggested that embedding a G+ Local Review was a violation of Google's TOS.

I must have asked ? dozen different Local SEO Pro's if they knew of any such violation but nobody was able to provide me with a link that detailed this? See that Darren's post in this thread is a relief too!

Glad I had the good sense and remembered your Local Search forum Linda!
If gun shy can always just make a hi res image that looks like the actual text and show that.

To be totally kosher I think you may need to have permission from the person that left the review though.
I did all of the above. Took a screen shot of all 6 of my 5 Star reviews and added it to my About Us page. Embedded the G+ Local Review and politely asked the client who provided the review if it was OK to embed his review on my site and he said Yes. Albeit, none of these steps were nearly as disconcerting to me as a TOS violation!

Is this still available (the embed that is). All I'm seeing is the sharing as part of your google+ page, no embedding option. Is it me or has it gone?
You can't see the embed option on the actual reviews on their profile but if you share it to your business timeline then you do get the embed option.

Personally I have taken a high res image - with the client's permission - and added that to my website to avoid the potential for future issues.

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