More threads by kyleekay


Jun 5, 2020
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Curious about the Services tab on Google My Business. Is it worth it to have all of our services listed and filled out? I saw this article written by Joy about a year ago Do Services in Google My Business Impact Ranking? - Sterling Sky Inc talking about how the services really have no impact on ranking. Is there any benefit to them at all? Where on a listing do they even show up?
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In my non-expert opinion, anything that you can add to your profile to make it look more filled out, more robust, etc. than your competition is a good thing and might help nudge potential customers to clickthru/call you instead of one of the other listings.

An example, I don't like Messaging thru GMB, but I like that button that is next to my listing and not most of my competitors, it makes mine stand out.
Of course it's worth it. Because it's not Google who buys what merchants sell, it's actual human beings. Services features (esp Custom Services) are a great way for merchants to highlight standout strengths & differentiators, tailor marketing messages to specific audiences, draw in their best prospects, etc. And Services details are quite visible on mobile in particular.

(Plus they feed justifications elsewhere in Google ecosystem.)

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