More threads by sergiuliano

Oct 15, 2012
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I got the next situation with one of my websites.

It is connected to Google+ Business Page via rel publisher
There is a Google Local Listing using the same NAP as the one listed on website, but there is an issue with the phone number

on the website it is listed as 222 222 2222 ( with spaces between ) and on google local listings as 222-222-2222 with the hyphen between or even +1 222-222-2222

It seems that google generates different results for searches on different variations on the same number.

What is your suggestion about how to use the NAP on the website?

Have you encounter any issue using the same phone number on the website with the same verified on Google but only using with different characters between the numbers? ( points or hyphens )
Hi sergiuliano;

Are we talking US? Because I've never ever seen anyone format a US # like 222 222 2222 (with spaces between).

US phone #s on the web site should be formatted (222) 222-2222, which is the way Google normally formats it on the Place page. If you feed a number into Google maps formatted with dashes or dots instead, sometimes she can't read it.
Hi Linda

Is an US phone number.

I have managed to add and verify the NAP on Google but the issue is with the way the phone number is formated on my website.

Do I have to use the standard format you have recommended or will google understand it is a phone number even if I use no other characters than numbers. For ex 2222222222

Anything non-standard can confuse her and I would not risk it. Plus it would be hard for customers to read and if it's your site why not just change it to standard formatting to be safe?
Nowadays, Google is pretty decent at normalizing business information, especially if it is in structured format (i.e. it is easily recognizable for Google that this particular piece of text/numbers signifies a phone number). However, as Linda said, just to be on the safe side, you'd better keep the same formatting across the board. If you formatted your Google+ Local listing phone with hyphens, keep this formatting on the client's site, too.

Why you sometimes see the phone number with +1 in front, is because you are looking at the listing via or, for instance.

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